Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Since 9/11

Some may ask themselves how an autistic person feels about a catastrophic event like the terrorist attacks on 9-11. I didn't know what to think at first, but I wad rather awe struck after seeing it more and more on tv that day.

I was still in bed and I had just woke up and my mom came upstairs and told the news. A plane had hit one of the twin towers. When I did finally get downstairs I saw videos of the other plane that hit the other tower. How did I feel then? Well, again I was still processing what had just happened. The more I heard about it the more affected I was.

I felt anger more and more as the years went on. I'm the kind ya don't wanna piss off, if you don't want me in your face. If I had my way I'd use Osama as a punching bag and practice a little mutilation on. Now, I wouldn't really go and do such a thing even to a person I hated, but those images hung in my mind. Glad they killed that mother fu**er.

I'm not from NY and I imagine that anyone that used to live there at the time or still do are probably scared as hell right now or even paranoid about this day. And I honestly can't blame them one bit. I personally don't think anything new is happening today. There have been threats and paranoid security precautions. Again I can't blame them for extra security on the 10 year.

For a long time people have and still blame the Muslim religion. I did too. There are so many misinformed people that say that it's part of their faith to "kill the infidel.". That's far from the truth. There's an article on CNN about a Muslim woman whose husband died in the attack. How do you think she feels. She's not alone. It's a minority that believe 9-11 was deserved. Most of them don't believe in terrorism. Again it's a minority. There are Muslims living among us. Dying for their religion of course doesn't mean living in a country that they want destroyed. That wouldn't make sense. We've been fed a lot if lies about them since the attack. We were wrong. We misunderstood.

I know this is a poor example, but I'm going to state it anyway. Every religion has extremists. Even Christians do. Remember Fred Phelps? He represents Christians about as much as Osama Bin Laden represents Muslims. I certainly don't think Mr. Phelps represents me. He can kiss my a**. He slanders Jesus' name. Osama slanders his religion and makes it look bad.

Essentially us Americans know very little about the Muslim religion, so we made assumptions based on the few. People do that today still with Christians. Some people still think Christians are closed minded.

So do some research on Muslims. The more you know the better. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're going to brainwash yourself. By getting information, your coming to a more rational understanding.

Read articles on CNN that were up recently. Look at an english translated Koran and things expelling it. I even think there's a hotline for thus information. They get yelled at a lot and they expect it and want it. By calling they know you're looking for understanding. It's not a conversion number. That's not their aim. Their aim is to fix that damage that is done to their religion.

Heh, I think I talked too much about about Muslims, but I said what I thought about the subject.

As I see 9-11 now, any catastrophe that happens, man made or natural, it brings people together those attacks did not brings us down or tear us down. We came together. Christians went back to church. They helped people in need. We all did. We grew closer as a nation. As for the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the same happened there. It brought them together. It brought the countries of the world to help them. We can't be brought down, by disasters. They make us stronger.

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