Monday, April 25, 2011

Attack on Playstation Network

Ok, this is just disgusting and everyone knows it.  Why?  Because it's cliché and it's been taught to us over and over again.  Teachers have taught us not to do it.  Officers say not to take the law into your own hands.  Billions upon billions of TV shows, anime, movies, comics, the list goes on, teach us not to do this!

Here's the scenario.  Anonymous, angry with the way Sony has sued "Geohotz" because of the release of his playstation hack.  In response to this a hacker group has taken it upon themselves to hack the playstation network, causing millions of playstation fans in a fury or frustration.  It has been down since Wednesday pending investigation into the cause and what all damage has been done.  Unknown destruction of the network's state could range from lost information on what they purchased from the PSN, which could probably not allow them to play those games again or not be able to re-download them if the need ever arose all the way to the worry of credit card and other security risks.

This leads me to my first point.  Do not take the law into your own hands, "hackers!"  Let the law deal with it or make it a point to take something to a courtroom.  With this said I will further illustrate my point with a clichéd and tired a** story that has been told in many forms of media.

Man decides world is corrupt due to crime present in the streets, wars, violence, and hatred(hacker sees Sony as corrupt).

Man decides to accumulate super powers in hopes of creating a new world by using an attack that hurts everyone, including the innocent (hackers take their skills and attack psn, leaving innocent sony players, including themselves, without the ability to use the playstation network.)

Man is taken down by super heros and plunged into the darkness (hackers are found and put in jail, as in real life).

Our art reflects reality at this point.  And the point never seems to get across to any one!  How many clichéd plots do we need to make in order to get this point across?  Millions more?  Sorry Anonymous!  You lose!  Let the law handle it.  Enough said.  Peace!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Aspergers/Anxiety and Moving

Ok, so I've lived in one house my whole life and last Thursday was my first day living alone in the house where my parents will be moving all of us into, so I've had to spend the night since then and take care of some of my things. I've had some anxiety only I didn't realize it was anxiety. I took my problems to a doctor a few weeks ago and we've finally figure out that consciously I'm ok, but subconsciously I was having a lot of anxiety over it. My chest hurts from time to time, my breathing is shallow at times and I did have a few dizzy spells. Again, though, I wasn't having any problems that I was currently dwelling on in the front of my mind. This makes me think that I can move on my own someday without trouble.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Aspie Obsessions

I give a basic run down of all of my obsessions from video games to dvds to anime to gadgets.

283 dvds in my collection over the years. Horror, drama, action, anime, tv shows, etc.

Various video games from Mario to Assassin's Creed to Final Fantasy

Sunday, April 3, 2011