Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Talking Too Much

I'm sure you or someone you know has run into someone that just likes to talk a lot.  I mean there are NTs out there that just like to talk to strangers about what's on their mind and have no problem with it.  What's difficult is that if you're an aspie and have sensory issues with people.  Now me personally, I don't worry too much about it.  I just nod my head, avoid eye contact, look at the person's neck or whatever.  I listen, but I don't always follow what is said if it's of no interest to me.

I know that some aspies out there have a very difficult time with people like that.  They don't like it when people go on and on and on, but I guess no one really does exactly.  But to an aspie it can be rather uncomfortable.

Now here's something interesting.  Aspies have sensory issues on that.  Then other aspies don't.  And then there are aspies that do just that.  But they go on and on about the same thing and the only real interest they have, going into every detail with the NT, aspie, whatever, not understanding, because the aspie has so much knowledge of that one subject and not filling in details to help clarify what they're talking about.  It's hard for some aspies to acknowledge that not everybody understands some of the necessary details the person would need to know to understand.

I talk to my parents or relatives or whomever else I know about my computers and occasionally, if I'm even that talkative and I usually am not, I get into what I'm saying and I'll say something about my laptop coming with an Intel i5 processor instead of an i3 that was advertised and being pleasantly surprised by it.  And getting the response as a question like "Is that good?"  I'm always into the technical specs of a machine.  Or when I can't beat an enemy in an rpg, I'll just say I need to level up more.  That prompts the response, "What do you mean?"  RPGs seem to be a niche market where only certain types of gamers enjoy that kind of thing and they have an expansive knowledge of how those games play out, including the leveling system, character stats, what their abilities are, etc.  And people outside looking at it are thinking "what the hell is all that?" or "I totally don't understand this game you're playing."

And now you see what I mean, I've gone on for at least a little bit on the subjects that interest me.  Technology and video games, specifically RPGs.  So basically we might have a bigger knowledge of things and quite simply not understanding how to explain it to someone else that isn't into that sort of thing.  And we get the same way with NTs.  We don't get them either sometimes.

But all in all who understands everyone or anyone enough?  We may bother NTs or even other aspies.  And sometimes even NTs get to us, even though we might understand what they're talking about.  So are you an aspie that talks a lot on one subject?  Or does socializing with someone that talks an awful lot even if they are NTs?

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