Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Please Excuse My Tardiness...

in posting to my blog.  I haven't been feeling myself lately.  Well, that and I haven't done any real thinking on what to post as of late.

First off I have GERD or Acid Reflux and it's gotten so bad as of late that they had to bump up my appointment with the Gastroenterologist.  For quite some time I've been having chest pain and before that I was taking Aciphex, which is like Prilosec or Prevacid, to stop heartburn.  The heartburn had gone for the most part and I've been fine until the chest pains.  All signs pointed to my stomach.  My heart is perfectly fine.  I had a scope done down my throat and all to find I have moderate esophagitis.  Which is the wearing away of my esophagus.  Yesterday was when I had my appointment bumped up.  I call, because I was complaining of a soar throat and various worsening of my symptoms.  Last night I had the worst pain since my kidney stone.  I hurt so bad, I could barely stand it.  As it was close to my time to take my stomach medicine, I took that and several minutes later was much better.  I may fill in what happens next later.

I must warn anyone that is addicted to Mountain Dew or any soda with caffeine that drinks as much of it as I used to.  Try switching to Kool-Ade.  I know water isn't the same thing and it can taste quite bad to many people, especially after drinking it for so long.  Caffeinated soda is really a bad thing for your stomach.  I have finally got off of it completely now.  I may have one when I go out once in a while, but I will not buy them by the case anymore.  This stuff can lead to some serious complications.  GERD is not a good thing at all.  Don't just deal with the pain.  Untreated GERD can even lead to cancer.  But of course I'm being currently treated for this.  I do have some worries, though.  I plan on trying to find alternate things to eat, too.  The biggest culprits in my previous diet included tomato based products, spicy foods, and things that contain a lot of grease or fat, which is ground hamburger or any fried foods.  Also citrus is one of the biggest no-nos of all.  I stopped drinking orange juice many years ago, because it gave me mad heartburn.  Funny how Mountain Dew(just one bottle)didn't bother me as much as it contained orange juice.

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