What is war, but a pointless struggle for power? I get the idea that it's good for fighting to keep your rights, but that's more or less defense, there. But, you see, I don't see the whole struggle to control from the other side. People all over are now trying to struggle and fight for their rights against their governments and that's because their governments want too much control over what they do? Live and let live. Why don't they have these rights? Our government is far from perfect and it really is all complicated, trying to decide what;s good for the people or not, but I love where I live. I don't agree with our government on a lot of things, but I do realize what we have and we have it better than some people. I'd like to think that if you're happy with your country, then good for you.
But back in 2001 when we had those planes hijacked. Terrorism. What do they want? Power. They wanted to control our beliefs. They want to put all this Mohammed and Alah crap on us. I don't care what they believe. That's perfectly okay,as far as I'm concerned. If they want to believe that, that's great for them, but I don't understand this whole thing of controling the lives of others. Why the hell do you give two craps what others think? Why all this need for control.
Ok, so in a sense I do get the idea of control. I have a few beliefs that I'm rather firm on and have the urge to yell my point or to convince other people of what I consider facts, but all in all, if their beliefs aren't infringing on other people, why should I care? So I keep my mouth shut. I mean, it's okay to state my point of view without force, but being forceful just brings them to pushing you back. You push them and they push you back. It's nothing but a pointless power struggle. Everyday, people try to do the impossible. They push and shove their stuff on someone else with no need and then they push back. And it goes on and on and on... I guess what I don't understand is why people don't find the time to sit down in a comfortable chair at the end of the day to reflect. Maybe keep a blog or private journal.
Religious people. Some of them are acting on this pointless power struggle. Politians. Yeah, they're trying to make a better nation, but they need to reflect on what their position is. Is it infringing on people's rights? Daily struggles of some neighbors. Their values. Swearing. Hey, I say as long as the person isn't using a word against you or someone else, then why worry about this supposed taboo word? I have strong feelings against abortion, but in a way I back down, because they're going to do what they're going to do, but I always come back to myself wondering about the rights of the baby inside a woman whose body is no longer her own. That's probably my only real issue. I understand most of the arguements, so that's part of why I back down. I just assume stay out of it and if was to go out with someone I'd prefer someone that wouldn't do it, if things came to it. If I was a woman, I just wouldn't have one, if it came down to it, like if I was a woman who was raped. But I just wouldn't bother telling others.
So, when I vote I would try to choose someone who supports rights of who matter most. So, what needs to happen is a blance of power among all. I guess that's what war or more rather struggle, is all about. Trying to balance that power, but really most of what I started talking about were governments and people in gneral that just won't let people live with the rights they have that don't harm anyone. If they aren't harming you, then buzz off. That's what I say.
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