So it's been a long time coming. I finally made my move on April 1st. I am now living on my own independently. I've been doing well for the past week for the most part. My first night had me wanting to cry once in a while, but I was so distracted that it went away. On top of that I was a little more on the excited part of what's to come next.
So I'm getting my cable. I've got my internet. I can broadcast live, if I want to. Especially from my Playstation 4. I've tried doing some from a PC game. I've watched a couple movies. I've cooked. I've cleaned. But I am slacking a little more on cleaning the dishes. That's partly due to the way I've felt the last two afternoons. Things just weren't going right. I messed up and bought something on eBay without realizing what I was getting into. That will be resolved, thankfully. But I worried about it all last night. I ended up not wanting much to eat, so I just made a couple of hot dogs. This afternoon I decided to put in the new ink cartridge for the used printer I got. That failed. The Magenta color wasn't coming out and the black ink that was already in it seemed to have dried up anyways. It streaks just like the one I'm replacing. That's a big bummer, but if it comes to it, it's a lot cheaper to buy a new head for this one than the last one. I'm going to try to clean the head with some alcohol and a q-tip some time. But at least that will be resolved, too, somehow. Unfortunately before that I had plugged it into a USB port in the back of my computer. All of the available ones in the back give power, but do not recognize anything is plugged in. (4 are used already and work.) And it seems all the ports in the front top don't work either and do the same thing. The one on the card reader works, though. So I can't wrap my head around that. I can't imagine that it's a hardware problem, because of it is, that's some weird coincidence.
But I'm kind of over that crap for now. It's just a bad couple of afternoons.
So there is one other thing that I am worried about, but for whatever reason I worry much less about my health, but at least I do something about it. So I've had dry mouth for months now and it's just getting worse and I'm drinking a lot of fluids and peeing a lot. I've got various pains in my body. I'm sleepy all the time. I walk and all that. I don't let it get me down, but if I sit still long enough, quietly and comfortably, I can be out like a light. I've tried to watch a couple things on tv and I ended up rewinding things a few times to get what I missed. I even rewound that last half hour of a movie. I have felt a little dizzy once in a while and this seems to happen when I skip breakfast. I don't always eat breakfast anyway. I usually live without it. But I can't just do that anymore or I get really really weak.
So I do have a Bipap machine I wear at night for Sleep Apnea and I no longer have Sleep Apnea while I'm on it. So that isn't the problem. I get plenty of sleep. On average it's been seven to eight hours a night. I had a blood sugar test after twelve hours of fasting. The results show I'm fine, but I'm not convinced, so I'm talking with my new doctor Thursday. You see, people with Sleep Apnea have a good chance of becoming Diabetic. And those who are Diabetic have a good chance of having Sleep Apnea. Well, isn't that a low blow. So I'm convinced that I am at least pre-diabetic. Pre-diabetes is reversible from what I understand, but whether I can or will reverse it, I don't know.
So this is a mixed bag, moving and all. I have more freedom. I have more opportunities. But unfortunately I feel kind of stuck now, because I am feeling some jealousy of one person, because he is able to get closer to people than I am. I think I might be a little choosy, too, but that's not all of it. I'm jealous, because the personal contact I make is not on a level that I wish to have. One person I could do that with is also an aspie and that can make things a little more difficult, because with me the person has to talk more about who they are and how they are and in person. I made a connection on a van ride home a week before I went out on my own. But these things just don't stick. I lack the ability to keep things going. Hopefully I an get my head out of my ass. I mean when there are times that I can talk to people outside of the group during breaks, I either distract myself with my phone or a computer. And if I want to choose to talk to any one of them they're are usually talking to someone else.
So anyway, more progress needs to be made.