Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tell It Like It Is, But Be Careful How

I was a tell it like it is, when it is, kind of person.  When I was mad, I let you know.
I made a video a while back that I eventually had to erase.  Why, because it targeted a place and people.  More specifically the school I went to and the people in it.  I told it like it was.  The bullies in the school treated me like crap.  I was punished for telling it like it was to the bullies.  I was punished for speaking my mind.  Dammit!  I was mad.  I've learned to forgive since then, but it doesn't change the horrible mistakes they made in treating me like the criminal, when I was trying to survive the jungle that it was.
Here's the thing.  When you're mad, your tone of voice and the words you use to convey your hurt, that's all they hear.  They feel attacked.  They don't care what your message is.  They could give two craps what your problem is.  It's kind of selfish not to think of you, but that's human nature.  You're attacked, don't expect your message to get across to people.  It won't happen.  They're too much inside themselves to care that you're hurt, because you're hurting them in retaliation.
Use "I" messages.  "I feel hurt that you didn't stand up to me.  And because you're the principal, it is my personal belief that the victim (being me) should receive help.  Not punishment."  "I feel I was violated." 
Now being a person with mild autism, and at the time I did not know this either, I didn't know how to control my rage.  I didn't know how to react.  Or maybe I didn't, but felt no control over it, because I was hurt so much.  Ignoring them only built up my rage.  I felt that their advice and their actions or inactions were inadequate.  They needed a better way to handle me.  They attacked me like I was the bad guy.  They were mad at me.  What right did they have to be mad at me?  If only they could see through my eyes.
But I must let that go.  They were totally clueless and inadequately prepped for someone like me, that just couldn't handle my issues.  So knowing now what they didn't then, I can only wonder what they would do.  I can only hope that future generations have it better.

Monday, August 13, 2012

My Life Isn't Exactly Eventful...

but I love it for the most part anyway.  Sure I don't get out much.  Sure I don't get laid.  Sure I don't got to bars or dance clubs.  I don't do sports.  I don't go to crazy parties. 

I don't have a job.  Jobs are hard to come by.  Bosses have been known to kick me out.  I don't go out to lift weights.  I don't exercise enough, which I will be working on. 

Before I moved out of town there wasn't much drama as there is now, which shouldn't involve me.  I stay out of it.  I have my opinions.  I get scared.  No wonder I don't get out to meet new people.  It can be a whole lot of drama.  You don't know what you're getting into.  I'm glad I'm missing out sometimes.  I can't handle all that drama.  All the gossip.  All the crack headedness that goes on out in the real world.

I like peace in my life.  I like the friends I do have and I slowly find more.  I know what to stay away from and sure I can do better at meeting people, but I'm fine.  I like my video games.  I like the drama to stay on my tv screen where it belongs.

So in closing, I know what I like and I have what I like.  I'm no greedy corporate head that wants profits to go up.  And if I was a big boss of a company, I wouldn't know what to do with all that money.  I don't want a stupid mansion.  An apartment would suit me fine.  Art hanging on my wall.  Anime wallscrolls.  I don't want Picasso.  My computer?  If it plays Skyrim at the time of this writing, then it's perfect.  I don't need a $2,000 rig to play games.  A pool?  They're nice, but why not the creek?  Or better yet friends with pools or a public pool.  If I owned a pool, it'd be boring being the only one in it.  And then I'd have to maintain it.  ugh.  A car?  If I can borrow one to get someone once a month, fine.  Otherwise I can walk to where I need to go to buy the necessities. 

A girlfriend?  I'd love one.  Can I handle one at the moment?  Who knows.  Relationships take work.  Do I have the time for it?  Sure.  But life says I'm not ready and I better take it as it is.  Move along.  I'll get there.

Is my life perfect?  No.  But everything is fine the way it is.