Saturday, February 26, 2011

What Might We See in an iPhone 5?

First off, I used to be a proud owner of an iPod touch and loved it. Since I got a droid and went onto a cheap $30 pageplus plan, I had since moved my music and sold my iPod for some extra cash. I do miss my iPod touch and now that I have some extra money coming in I plan on getting and iPhone 5 when it comes out.

So far this is what we know about iPhone 5 which will include what it previously included.
-Faster processor (duh)
-smaller version is an alternative to the regular version

This is all we know, but what do we want to see? I'd like to see a iPhone XL myself, but will this really happen? Mmmm, first off Steve Jobs has been big on conserving power and I think that using more power to operate the iPhone is not in Mr. Jobs best interest here. But with a nano version of the iPhone coming, I think he's trying to tailor to what people want. We have phones with large screens, so the best we can hope for in a larger screen iPhone is probably something like the Droid X. WIDGETS. Steve, we need WIDGETS. Your OS is simple and easy to use, but people want instant access to the weather, news, sports, social networking, etc and to do this widgets are the greatest thing ever. I loved my iPod touch, like I said, but after using a droid there is only one thing about it that I will most definitely miss when I get and iPhone and again that's WIDGETS! With widgets seen on android phones and various other phones, it only makes sense for the next iOS to include such a feature. On top of all this a version of the iPhone with a slide out keyboard option would be very nice. But how many options do we need in an iPhone. A nano? An XL? Both version with a keyboard? Actually you know what? The whole keyboard thing is already doable, since there are just a couple of options of a slide out or swivel out bluetooth keyboard that work on the 3gs on up. We need to see more of these on the market, though. My thought? Steve won't put a keyboard on the iPhone. Our option for one is already there, sorta. LED screen is yet another likely thing to see and with Steve Jobs wanting to conserve his battery power, it only makes sense to use LED screens.

Among other things, I do expect a an increase in mega pixels in at least the back camera. It will likely, also be thinner. We do expect the Verizon and AT&T versions using 4G and on top of that the Verizon one will include LTE technology.

So, I can't wait to see what they're putting into this new phone. Can you?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Spirituality or Atheism and Asperger's

First I want reference Look Me in the Eyes for his discussion on the topic, so please read his article also.

Many Aspies might be athiests or some are against organized religion and/or the churches. The reason can be concluded as that many things about organized religion can go against the logic circuit that is in many minds od Aspies. Us Aspies don't like to have the thinking done for us and like to conclude things baed on our own information.

Every aspie is different. Some are athiest and some are spiritual like I am. And then there thee very few that are church goers all the way. Now I am the spiritual type that is against organized religion. I like what Jesus has to offer me, but the dogma of the church is very confining and very strict. I cannot believe everything they interpret from the great book.

It was for this reason that I stopped going to church. I was agnostic for a while. What that means is that unless I could form my own understanding, I could not be a Christian. From more research and understanding on other people's thoughts I learned to just believe in Christ, his life, how he lived and how he died for our sins. That sat much better with me. I love the idea of going to heaven someday and cannot wait for this holy place.

Some say that science denies the existence of any kind of god, but science can only measure the physical realm. It cannot prove God's existence. But that does not mean that it can't exist, because it cannot be measure by a limited understanding such as our earthly science.

I am in no way trying to persuade people in any direction, but to have you at least see my understanding of it.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

OnLive - review

OnLive. This is an era of cloud gaming. That is to say you don't own a copy of the game. Your computer doesn't even process anything but your controls and the video. And when I say video, I don't mean graphics processing done by a high end graphics card. The Graphics and everything are handled on another computer. What you are seeing is full motion streaming video at at least 720p resolution.

Cheap! (no need for a high end computer or console)
No downloading of the game necessary. You just tell it to play a game and it comes up as fast anything else you run on your computer.
Load times.
Watch other players
Record your greatest moments
Great, if you have a higher speed connection than most people pay for.

Requires 3MPs broadband connection and nothing else can be using that connection.
Frequent interruptions in the middle of gameplay. (mostly in the evening)
You don't have a physical copy of the game you buy
If OnLive goes under and cannot continue service, your games are GONE!
No internet means no games. Internet goes out, you're screwed for the moment.
When your connection is good enough even play anything, graphics can have a lot of artifacts and distortion.
Most people will find they cannot use the service well enough to warrant buying any games.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Project for an Aspie with No Job

So, I'm an Aspie on disability.  Yeah.  I don't work for various reasons I could go into.  Maybe I need to find my way of making money.  I do have this set up with adSense from Google, but it's really unlikely for me to make money this way, but that's ok, because that's not why I do this.  I get a decent amount from disability that I could one day live on my own and be happy enough.

But I need some kind of project to get on online.  I don't deal well with people offline and when I do online it goes well, so here's the thing.  What does an aspie do for money from home?  I really have no ideas at this point.  I feel like I need to do something else, besides watch dvds, play and stuff online and play video games.  I do exercise and that's great.  Makes me feel alive.  But I need something to do on my own time, whenever I want to do it that has some meat to it.

I don't have many skills available to me at the moment, so maybe that's where I need to start.  I am very good computer wise.  I can use MS Office programs with ease.  I can set up a printer, router, etc.  I can even build a pc, but the last one and only one failed.  It crashed a lot, however that means nothing as I did eventually figure out what was wrong with it after it was all sold.  So, maybe computer repair isn't a strong suit, but then again the people I took it to, that's two separate places, couldn't figure it out either.  I have office skills, but unfortunately that's one place I failed when looking for a job.  I failed many interviews and was let go from one of those types of jobs and I thought I was doing well.

So to any of you aspies out there, what do you do?  What kind of projects have you taken on on the internet?

For now, this is my project, money or not, this is what I do.  Blogging may be a good start for me.  I'll blog here anything geeky and Aspergers related.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Aspies and Exercise

As an Aspie we typically occupy our time with things that don't involve going out or seeing people or going to the gym. We'd rather leave ourselves to our own interests and avoid exercise. Not true for some, I know, but this is a common problem among some of us.

I'd like to stress how important it is and if you really want to do this at home, get a Wii. You won't regret it. Your energy will go up and stress will go down. Stress, as you know, is very common among us Aspies, so please exercise.